As the first freestanding non-university PET center
in the nation, Northern California PET Imaging
(NCPIC) is accustomed to leading the path for new
discoveries through technology. NCPIC was the first to
use a whole body PET scanner outside
of academia in the nation; the
first to install a PET Mammography
scanner (PEM) in Northern California;
and the first to submit a clinical paper
on staging lung cancer with whole body
PET imaging that had over 95
patients in the study.1
Early on, NCPIC saw the value of providing
images with reports to referring
physicians and patients. "We've been
using a Codonics imager since we
opened our doors in 1992," says Bruce
Finley, PET Tech Supervisor, NCPIC.
"We were so pleased with the original
imager that we replaced it with the
latest generation Horizon imager in
November 2003 in conjunction with
our new PET/CT system."
According to Steven Falen, MD,
PhD, Medical Director, NCPIC, highlighting
principle findings by printing
key images from the PET/CT scan
provides greater value because, "it is
often difficult to verbally describe the
shape of a lesion or the relationship of
the lesion to a vessel, adjacent organ
or other important anatomy," he says.
Yet, today's advanced imaging equipment,
particularly hybrid imaging systems
like PET and multi-slice CT (MDCT),
generate large data sets that are then post-processed into
three-dimensional (3D) images. "It is very difficult to demonstrate
3D anatomy in 2D printed form," says Dr. Falen.
NCPIC realized that a CD disc publishing solution was a
necessary component for distributing
images to clinicians.
While NCPIC recognized the value
of CD disc publishing, appropriate
PET/ CT viewing software was
limited. In 2007, Finley researched
the Codonics Virtua XR Medical
Disc Publisher and learned that the
company was developing a complete
nuclear medicine and PET/CT
viewer solution.
In August 2008, they installed Virtua
XR and the product's capabilities
were immediately apparent to the
staff. Each Virtua disc includes all
DICOM header information and the
appropriate software to facilitate
viewing from the disc.
Jan Cronin, Market Development
Manager, NCPIC, explains, "We
have found that the referring
physicians – and particularly the
surgeons – really use the CD to
analyze the lesion structure and
details prior to surgery." She has
heard from some radiation and
medical oncologists that they are
importing NCPIC's images from
the Virtua disc directly into their
treatment planning systems.
Dr. Falen believes that having 3D and fused images on
the disc does help the surgeons and oncologists. "With
PET/CT, the image fusion occurs within the software, so
having a disc with viewing software and a complete data set
is more valuable than a printed copy," says Dr. Falen. Virtua
includes a full-featured viewer for fused images on each
disc. "This is not an insignificant program, it is rather
impressive," he adds. In fact, Dr. Falen attributes fewer
phone call interruptions as a result of the referring physicians'
ability to clearly visualize lesions using the software on
the disc.
Since each disc can be customized,
Virtua's flexibility is apparent to
Finley. "We can choose different
DICOM viewing software based
upon its ability to adequately
handle the image characteristics
of each modality," he says.
Codonics offers several in-house
DICOM viewers, including specialized
viewers such as the PET/CT
Siemens syngo® Media Viewer
that NCPIC uses, as well as several
from other manufacturers. "This
flexibility and collaboration adds a
lot of value to Virtua," adds Finley.
"Choice of viewing software is
essential for the device to reach
its full potential."
For Dr. Falen, that flexibility also allows him to easily review
PET/CT cases with referring physicians, a task that is
particularly important for his presentations at tumor boards.
Yet, the system is very user-friendly, particularly with its
web-based interface. From virtually any location throughout
the facility, staff can send a request to burn a CD.
"Our effort is minimal. Virtua is simply another destination,"
adds Finley. Plus, Virtua provides another lower cost,
HIPAA-compliant and redundant archive solution; NCPIC
just makes two discs instead of one.
According to Jeanette Galvan, Administrative Coordinator,
NCPIC, the center was manually duplicating data and
printing discs for each patient on another system prior to
Virtua. "Before, it took two hours of my day to print and
label each disc, and the process was extremely error
prone." Today, this same process takes her less than 45
minutes, saving Galvan six hours each week. Since the
process is automatic with information populated directly
from the modality workstation, Galvan knows the discs
are complete and accurate.
Ease of use does translate to cost savings. "We've saved
0.5 FTE in the front office and 0.2 FTE for our technologists,"
Galvan explains, for a total reduction in salary
expense of approximately $36,000. NCPIC also realizes
lower costs for mailing and media. A disc is more cost effective
than thermal paper, plus multiple studies can be
saved on one disc. "Virtua has made my job easier and
because it is so accurate, it takes a load off my shoulders,"
she says.
The system keeps NCPIC informed
of status and potential problems,
even at remote locations.
"Virtua is truly good for workflow:
it doesn't make mistakes and
takes the information right from
the DICOM header," Finley says.
"This allows us to make new or
duplicate discs on demand."
Plus, Virtua offers a custom
label capability so NCPIC can
easily add its full color logo,
phone and address to each
disc, providing another vehicle
that supplements Cronin's
marketing efforts. Adds Cronin,
"as our referral base grows, and
we add new modalities, the flexibility and marketing benefits
of Virtua will only continue to help us."
The staff at NCPIC knows first hand the ability to share
patient images with referring physicians and specialists,
by either printing on Codonics Horizon Multi-media Imager
or burning a disc on the Virtua Medical Disc Publisher,
enhances the patient care process and simultaneously
builds loyalty among a wide-ranging referral base. As Dr.
Falen says, "An image is worth a thousand words."
1. Valk, Peter E., MB, BS, Pounds, Thomas R., MD,
Hopkins, Donald M., MD, et al. Staging Non-Small Cell
Lung Cancer by Whole-Body Positron Emission
Tomographic Imaging. Ann Thorac Surg 1995;60:1573-1581
This model/configuration of Virtua is no longer available for purchase or use in the United States.